Book of Revelation, Book of Truth – Part 6

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?” (Rv 6:12-17)

See how uncannily that passage dovetails with this message from the Book of Truth given by Jesus:

… The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the fires and the flames of My Divine Mercy.

The earth will be shaken with such force that no man will escape My Eyes, My Spirit or My Gift,

Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time.

They will know that their love of their bodies all the senses they seek to nurture is meaningless.

They will see every part of the soul but won’t be through their own eyes in which they will see it. They will look at their souls through My Eyes.

They will feel ill and nauseous as I do when I see the ugliness of their wretched wrongdoings.

They will see how rotten their behaviour was towards others and the evil they did onto their fellow human beings, their brothers and sisters.

Then they will see their love of self, the vanity and love of false idols and will know how this offends Me.

For those whose sins are so black they will feel ill, in pain and will not be able to stand the horror what they have to see. They will need every strength to withstand the purification needed to enable them to survive and follow the path of the Truth.

It is important to understand that The Warning is just that. I come to warn God’s children that their sins can and will be forgiven.

I come to show them what the Day of Judgement will be like. This will mean that those who ask for redemption at this stage will be saved.

Those who still reject Me will be given time to repent but not much. If they still forfeit My Hand of Mercy then I will have to withdraw.

Then I will divide the just into one side and the unjust into another. One more chance then to seek redemption and those who refuse My Hand of Love and Mercy will be cast into Hell.

This prophecy has been foretold since the beginning.

Heed The Warning and save your souls while you can. …

From: The Skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened (June 16, 2012)

There is another message on similar lines, this time from God the Father:

… My greatest desire is to reveal Myself to every single person, including those who do not understand why or how they were created by My Hand.

Soon, My Son will be sent to unveil the Truth of the Creation of humanity.

This day has been prepared for so many decades. It could not have taken place, up to now, for the loss of so many of My children, would have been too great.

Soon, My children will be shown the Truth of their creation, their existence, and the immortality of their souls.

While this event will create great hope and joy in many souls, for others, it will be a torment, which they will not be able to bear.

My Fountain of Love and Mercy is to be showered upon the whole of humanity through My Son, Jesus Christ.

After this will come the great divide, when the souls who respond to His Mercy will be taken aside.

The remaining souls will be given every opportunity to hear My Call from Heaven.

I, their Father, will make Myself known by the power of the climates. My Hand will be witnessed as I reach out to each of My children, to save them from death.

My Call will be heard, but not by all. Those souls will be shown My Love, through My prophets, in a last attempt to draw them into My Heart.

The skies will unfold and be pulled back. Like a scroll, they will roll over, until the signs of the Heavens are revealed. The sounds of My Angels will entice these poor little souls of Mine, until the very end.

I now pledge that My Fountain of Love will cover the whole earth, as I unite My Heart with the hearts of all of My children.

My Divine Intervention will be witnessed by billions and many will run into My Sacred Arms in relief. The Truth of My Divine Plan, and the mystery of life on earth, will be laid bare for all to see. Only then will man accept the Truth of the existence of Eternal Life. …

From: God the Father: Soon, My Son will be sent to unveil the Truth of the Creation of humanity (October 18, 2012)

Both of these messages relate to the supernatural event called The Warning which we have discussed many times before. We can therefore conclude that the Sixth Seal is really about The Warning!

You heard it first here…

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