Maria Divine Mercy – the early days (Part 2)

One of the features of Maria’s early messages is the words from heaven acknowledging Maria’s confused state and the degree to which her life is being turned upside down. Not all of them are very complimentary about Maria’s own reactions – much as the New Testament shows us the character flaws in such a great figure as St Peter, for example. In both cases these details lend extra credibility and authenticity.

The first few examples come from those early days in November 2010:

My child you have a responsible job to do and you must not let anyone stop you. The truth has to get out. You have been chosen to do this work. My child, stay strong. Look to God above for guidance to do my work. …

My Child cast your doubts aside. You are not imagining this divine message. Scriptures foretold are about to unfold. …

Thank you my child for the faith you have shown. You are a fighter and very much loved by God the Father and my dearly beloved Son. You are one with Jesus and your hand is being guided by the Holy Spirit.

From “First Message from the Virgin Mary” (November 8, 2010)

Relax. Let your heart feel My love, My daughter. Accept it is a gift from Me. You may be surprised but I am your family. You are at home with Me in my Kingdom. You now have a job to do. Hold My hand and I will take your mind to guide you to bring My children back to my Sacred Heart. Rest now My child.

From “Mankind faces final cleansing” (November 11, 2010)

You, my strong child of God, are very special. I will always work with you for you have seen both sides of life here on earth. …

Yes, my sweet child, you have been given the graces for your work. The moment the Holy Spirit entered your soul you were ready to work.

My unconditional love for you will make you stronger as the days pass. Please don’t worry as it is a negative emotion and will only hold you back. Pray to me your eternal Mother every day. I will never leave you or let you down with your work. You my sweet child have been given a very special gift and now you must use it in the way you only know how to. Yes my child I understand that this is very frightening for you at this time. Always be assured I am with you every step on your journey. …

From “Second Message from the Virgin Mary” (November 11, 2010)

Stay strong. I have chosen you for this Work so that My pleas for redemption will be heard quickly. … While My request is urgent, I will hold your hand so that you can understand the Message.

You are stronger than you think. Pray to Me more daily My Divine Mercy. Fear not. Why are you so frightened?  …

These last few days have been overwhelming for you, yet you have accepted, in your heart, what I Am asking of you. It is difficult and perhaps a little frightening for you to take all of this in, but it is important that you trust in Me.

Hold Me in your heart and lean on Me. Surrender any doubts you have and your task will be easier. …

We, My Mother and all the saints will hold your hand and give you strength. You will be sent practical guidance and doors will be opened to help you in your work. …

From “Sins are breaking My Sacred Heart” (November 12, 2010)

My dear daughter do not feel guilty for the doubts you have felt today. This is natural. Your understanding of spiritual matters is not as strong as it should be but that is okay.

I will guide you and you will understand, in time, the purpose of your mission. I need you to keep strong in your work and your obedience to Me. This is a difficult task and one that will be emotionally draining for you.  I am sending you a spiritual director to help you cope with the enormity of the task that must be completed. …

I am guiding your spiritual director. He will know the truth when you speak. …

Do not be afraid of these gifts My child. Do not feel you cannot handle this task because the strength you will be given through My graces will make you so strong you will never look back. Nor will you want to.

You feel weak now. This is the feeling of My Divine power surging through your body. The heat is the love I have for you. Do not cry My child. So far you have been extraordinarily strong and so accepting although it is but a few days now since I first spoke with you. No, My child, you are not imagining this. You keep questioning yourself and those close to you.

From “Sign of the End Times – But Glory will Return to Earth” (November 14, 2010)

My daughter you were rejected yesterday as people tried to put doubts in your mind. You suffered for this. Do not despair My word will be heard. You will face obstacles that will make you feel disillusioned with the work.

My daughter I am guiding you. You must remember this and never forget My promise. I did, as you requested, and allowed you to sleep peacefully last night. You are stronger now. Can’t you feel this?

From “Warning to Clergy” (November 16, 2010)

The words “I did, as you requested, and allowed you to sleep peacefully last night” are presumably a reference to Maria’s request that she not be woken with messages at 3 am, also mentioned in the radio interview linked in last week’s post.

Write this My daughter. The doubts creeping into your mind are to be expected. Yes, you are being tempted to turn your head but he, The Deceiver, will never win you from Me. My beloved daughter you are stronger than you think because very few chosen souls would be able to deal with this great sacred request in the way that you have. It takes courage to deal with the way in which I communicate with you.  You did not run away cowering in fear. You knew right from the first that this was a divine communication from the highest and most Holy Hierarchy. …

From “Cast all doubts aside” (November 16, 2010)

In the final message of November 2010 we read:

My beloved daughter concentrate and listen to what I have to say. You are now in the throes of a transition from the time you received the first message to the present ones. Please understand that these messages are coming from Me and please stop your doubts now. This will enable you to concentrate on the work for which you have been called.

From “Quest for Wealth” (November 30, 2010)

After so many messages in the month of November, there is then a break of a full seven days until the next message:

Yes, My beloved daughter, I Am back. Write this. You, My daughter, having turned your back on Me, by denying the Truth, will now help Me lead My people back to the Light, the Light of the Truth. …

My daughter I have not communicated with you for a number of days. This was deliberate. The time afforded you was to allow you digest carefully the content of My messages. …

From “The Warning to Mankind to understand the truth” (December 7, 2010)

Well now you know that what I promise comes to fruition. I have sent you a spiritual director, the person I chose right at the beginning of your journey. It takes time for the chosen few to take up the cup for My work. My daughter you need a spiritual director so that My messages are fully understood by a servant of mine. That way the word will spread and people will realise the truth. This will be a path full of bumps and short laneways which appear suddenly to throw you into a different direction but have no fear. You are now being guided and will feel a greater confidence with your work. …

From “The Book of Truth” (December 18, 2010)

My beloved daughter why do you hesitate? Don’t you know that you are being guided daily? You know in your heart surely that all you need to do is sit down, open your heart and you will, shortly, hear My message. Trust in Me. Surrender. Believe that when you pass Me over your fears, worries, concerns and questions that I will take them away from you and respond accordingly. You must now put the time aside to take heed of these most urgent messages for all of mankind. Do not hesitate to forge ahead with this most sacred work. …

From “Celebrating Christmas” (December 25, 2010)

Messages continued regularly until just into the new year 2011, but there is a break of nine days until this:

My beloved daughter at last we reunite. It has been a number of days now that you have been in the frame of mind to receive My messages. Fear not because you will need the time now to heed My most urgent message given to the world so far. …

From “2011 Year of the Purification” (January 11, 2011)

In the following month we can see Maria making progress:

My dearly beloved daughter you are trying hard to obey My instructions to sanctify your soul and this is greatly pleasing to Me. Please give me one full hour of your day in silence with Me and let Me draw  you closer to My Sacred Heart.

You will feel much stronger when you do this. Start from today to spend this time in My company so that I can enlighten your heart and ease  your load.

From “Last Message for the Volume “The Warning”” (February 19, 2011)

But then twelve days elapsed until the next message, where we read:

Oh dearly beloved daughter it is with joy that I welcome your attention this evening. Your absence has pained Me somewhat but I knew you would turn back to Me soon.

Please listen carefully. While I realise that you are busy with your life you must understand the sheer urgency of this message. …

From “Democracy to Disappear – Priests will be Martyred” (March 3, 2011)

Clearly even now Maria was still struggling with the demands of her busy private life and those of being a full-time prophet for Heaven’s messages. However, by April 2011 Maria is clearly following Heaven’s prompting more effectively:

I rejoice tonight My beloved daughter because of the way in which you obey Me. Your obedience in attending daily Mass and receiving the Most Holy Eucharist is pleasing to Me. You are becoming stronger now in mind and spirit to respond quickly to My most Holy Will. You still have much work to do to prepare your soul, My daughter, towards the perfection that is required of you. Never fear because I am guiding you every step of the way. …

From “People all over the world share the same traits” (April 30, 2011)

From May 2011 onwards we hear less about Maria herself, and the messages take centre stage. Next time we will begin to look at some of the key messages to understand the importance of Maria’s mission.

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