A new Crusade Prayer

This time we pause our regular reflections to consider some breaking news, announced to the world on Saturday 1st June by JTM Global[1].

New Crusade Prayer dictated by the Mother of Salvation on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity[2] in which she says:

“Here is a very special Crusade of Prayer, which I have been directed by the Most Holy Trinity, to bequeath to the world. It must be said every day.”

Crusade Prayer 171 The Mother’s Prayer of Protection

O Holy Mother of God, come to me at this time in my hour of need.  

Offer my intentions to your Son, Jesus Christ, when I am drowning in sorrow.

Free me from the fear and hurt inflicted upon me for following the path of Christ.

Protect all souls from physical and mental oppression in times of turmoil ahead.

Pray, pray, pray for the darkness in the world to be lifted and free us from the perils of the evil one, and those who carry out his devious plans to destroy humanity.

Fill me with the gift of seeking out God’s help when doubts fill my soul as to His promises to redeem humanity from the clutches of evil.

Cover us with your protection and peace. Give us the solace and the strength we need to serve Jesus until our dying breath.

Pray that our suffering will bring relief to souls who are in darkness and help them to seek the salvation that God has promised them through Jesus’ death on the cross.  Amen.

Mother of God,

Mother of Salvation.


Maria was given to understand that we must, as a matter of importance:

Wear the Seal of the Living God Scapular at all times and pray Crusade Prayer 33 every day.

Wear the Seal Crucifix and or St Benedict Crucifix, if possible. Bless ourselves daily with Holy Water. Carry our Rosary beads on our persons at all times. Receive the Sacraments as often as possible. Pray the Holy Rosary daily.

Shortly thereafter, an associated website called Father of Love and Mercy reprinted the same words and added two images suitable for printing and distribution of this new prayer (here, forming a picture and the words of the prayer respectively; the picture is reproduced above).

If authentic, this announcement is very significant, for a number of reasons.

It is the first official pronouncement of a message from heaven to Maria Divine Mercy for nine years. Contrast this with the six years (November 2010 to May 2015) of messages and prayers that gave us everything up to now.

It confirms that Maria Divine Mercy is still receiving messages, and still has outlets by which to pass them on to the world.

And it gives us some additional pointers (over and above those already given in the original messages) for how we should be living our daily lives:

  • This new Crusade Prayer 171 should be prayed daily, along with the Most Holy Rosary and Crusade Prayer 33 (Seal of the Living God).
  • Wear the Seal of the Living God Scapular at all times, and the Seal Crucifix and/or St Benedict Crucifix, if possible. Carry our Rosary beads on our persons at all times.
  • Bless ourselves daily with Holy Water.
  • Receive the Sacraments as often as possible.

Curiously, if we cast our minds back to the announcement of the previous Crusade Prayer 170 in October 2014, we read:

My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart is so broken at this time. The traitors have pierced My Side and the earth is now being flooded with an outpouring of My Grief, which is so intense, that I cannot be comforted.

I ask now, who among My sacred servants will be strong enough to uphold the Truth?

I give you, the final Crusade Prayer. It is for priests. I ask that My sacred servants recite it daily.

And the words of Crusade Prayer 170 immediately follow.

So, I guess 170 was the final Crusade Prayer at that time… But if this new prayer 171 was intended all along by heaven, why didn’t it say “for now” or something similar in the October 2014 message?

One can only imagine that Maria is relaying this new prayer from heaven as it was received and we simply have to accept the minor inconsistency with what was stated previously.

So, is this message authentic? There are good grounds for believing so. The outlets used are the nearest thing to official channels for Maria’s messages and prayers since the (foretold[3]) demise of the original website (“thewarningsecondcoming.com”) in 2015. The phrasing is very similar to that used in the previous Crusade Prayers. And the prayer itself is exactly what we need to be praying as members of the Remnant Army, as the End Times progress ever further.

[1] JTM Global is shorthand for “Jesus To Mankind Global”, “Jesus To Mankind” being an alternative label for Crusade Prayer Groups.

[2] 26th May 2024.

[3] “You will have only a short time for the world to read the contents on the internet.” (Message from the Holy Spirit, February 12th, 2011).

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